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3130 Raymond Dr

Atlanta, GA 30340

8:30am -3:30pm


PTO (Current Parents)

"At my school we all feel safe. No one is made fun of and we’re all treated
the same."

- Tapestry Student


- Tapestry Student

“At my school we all feel safe. No one is made fun of and we’re all treated the same.”

The Tapestry Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is an important part of our school’s culture. Our parents and guardians enhance our school community and work to advance the goals of Tapestry through school-wide fundraisers, community events, and student-centered activities. Simply speaking, our PTO is made up of hard-working parents and teachers who pool their talents to provide practical support for our school.

Volunteering is a critical component of making Tapestry work. As part of our commitment to Tapestry, each family is required to volunteer a minimum of 20 hours per year. Resources received from the county are insufficient to run the school as our charter dictates, and volunteerism fills those gaps. Likewise, grants are an important part of funding the cost of education for our students.  Demonstrating we have an engaged community shows that we are committed to Tapestry and increases our chances of receiving grants.

Volunteer opportunities and the hours you can earn are communicated through the weekly newsletter throughout the year as they become available. You can join the PTO for $10 and find information about volunteer opportunities, committee leadership opportunities, as well as Spirit Wear, and more, at our Membership Toolkit website here:

Each Tapestry PTO designated coordinator and lead earns their family’s 20 hours for the year. Please see the Volunteer Parent Contract in the Handbook before you volunteer. You log all your volunteer hours on the Membership Toolkit. If you have questions regarding your hours, you can email

Questions for PTO? Contact

2024-2025 PTO Officers


Joan Hagan & Michelle Shevlin •

Co-Vice Presidents

Melanie Marks •

Candy Pearson •

Nawal Boukli •

Sanam Alvi •


Terri Gillett •


Julie Hiland •

Teacher Liaison

Tina Burgess •

School Directory

The Tapestry Directory will be available on the Membership Tool Kit online–

Weekly Newsletter

A weekly newsletter with updates, events and reminders is sent out weekly.  If you are not receiving the newsletter, contact Ms. Amia West. 

PTO Facebook Group

The Tapestry PTO Facebook page is a place where you can ask questions of other parents, give reminders and receive information.  This is a closed group, so you must request to join the group. In the Facebook search bar, enter “Tapestry PTO” and click on “Join Group.”  You will be instructed to enter your connection to the school with your student’s name and grade and agree to the guidelines in the group. Note: The cover photo may change but it will still say Tapestry Parent Teacher Organization.

How to Opt-in to Remind Texts from the PTO     

Two ways to receive Remind Texts from PTO:

Download the Remind app.  Look for Tapestry PTO. Then put in this code – 9f8fe6e.

You can also send a text to 81010 and put the code 9f8fe6e.

*Message frequency varies. Standard message and data rates may apply. *