
3130 Raymond Dr

Atlanta, GA 30340

8:30am -3:30pm


Innovative - Individualized - Inclusive

Music Enrichment Series Presented by Tapestry

Mr. Combs, Tapestry’s music teacher, invited music producers from the Atlanta area as guest speakers for student enrichment. We had visits begin in August.

In Mr. Combs’ class, students have the incredible opportunity to interact with seasoned professionals from the music industry. These guests share real-world insights, providing Tapestry students with a deeper understanding of the music industry, especially niche careers, as Tapestry’s first guests shared.

Tapestry’s Music Academy welcomed Taylor Swift’s five-time Grammy Award-winning engineer Jeremiah Adkins from Atlanta Sound Factory. Mr. Adkins demonstrated mixing and engineering with the industry-standard music software Pro Tools. 

On August 16, Tapestry hosted Chicago’s Super Rapper Lil Durk’s Grammy Award-winning engineer, Jus Vibes, to share his experience and give a production tutorial.

Tapestry’s guests enrich the classroom by discussing the creative process, sharing behind-the-scenes experiences, or offering advice on a career in music. They connect the classroom to the career music world. Our music teacher, Mr. Combs, has created an environment of inspiration for our students’ ambitions in the music industry.

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