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3130 Raymond Dr

Atlanta, GA 30340

8:30am -3:30pm



"At my school we all feel safe. No one is made fun of and we’re all treated
the same."

- Tapestry Student


- Tapestry Student

“At my school we all feel safe. No one is made fun of and we’re all treated the same.”

We opened in August 2014.

The mission of Tapestry Public Charter School is to offer an inclusive, individualized learning environment that is academically engaging, both for neurotypical students and those on the autism spectrum, and to create a positive school culture that empowers all students to take possession of their innate talents and become creative builders of their own future.

Tapestry is located at 3130 Raymond Drive, Atlanta, 30340.

No. Tapestry is a public school and does not charge tuition.

Quality charters provide parents and students with unique, creative, and innovative approaches to education. Those who submit petitions to start a charter school must demonstrate that their proposal does not replicate a program already available in the school system. They must also demonstrate they have the expertise and financial backing to successfully open and run the charter school. Parent participation is also an important element in charters. Many of the DeKalb County School District charters require parents to sign participation contracts to serve a certain amount of volunteer hours per school year.

No, Tapestry does not require school uniforms. We understand that a student’s comfort impacts his/her ability to learn. Students will be asked to wear attire that does not interfere with the learning environment for other students.

Because research supports small class sizes as the best learning environment, a priority is to keep a low student-teacher ratio. Class sizes will be fluid depending on the subject being taught and the needs of the students in the class. All core classes have approximately 20 students and are co-taught including both general and special education teachers to optimize differentiation and flexibility.

Tapestry serves grades 6 – 12.

Discipline will be handled in accordance with our Student Code of Conduct with recognition that behavior is a form of communication often related to a regulatory issue or developmental deficit. Staff, teachers, parents, and students will work collaboratively to ensure effective communication, problem solving, and positive outcomes to any behaviors that disrupt the learning environment.

WE NEED YOUR HELP! Parents are asked to contribute a certain number of volunteer hours. The number of volunteer hours expected as well as different opportunities for volunteering with be shared with parents prior to a student’s enrollment. Parents sign volunteer agreements when they enroll their children. In no case will a student be penalized for his or her parents’ inability to fulfill volunteer hours.

Tapestry will be a public charter school and must comply with all state-mandated testing. However, we recognize that all assessment instruments have inherent limitations and that standardized measures alone cannot provide a full picture of a student’s ability, knowledge, or progress. Therefore, student learning will be assessed using a range of instruments, such as portfolio pieces, summative assessments, and student-based projects.

Each student enrolled will have a personal education plan designed to build on strengths while supporting deficits. Through the use of these plans, an RTI framework, enrichment, multi-age classrooms, a positive school culture, and a supportive learning environment, students will have the greatest ability to meet their full potential.

Upon enrollment, families will be asked to complete comprehensive enrollment forms, and an assessment will be done in order to develop a comprehensive learning profile and personal education plan for every student. Teachers will be trained in the principles of Universal Design for Learning in order to differentiate instruction and alter educational strategies to support the needs, gifts, and learning styles of the individual child. Tapestry may utilize multi-age classrooms and teacher looping to provide for the most flexible learning environment.

There are many great reasons!

  • Tapestry offers a positive school culture – a safe and nurturing environment – which is an ideal educational setting for all students.
  • There is truly a feeling of community at the school, where everyone knows and is accountable for each other.
  • In addition to the individualized attention students receive, typically developing students develop tolerance, self-esteem, and compassion for others with special needs.
  • The development of unique talents and skills and positive character building, which are central in Tapestry programming, are especially important during the challenging adolescent years.
  • Furthermore, Tapestry’s commitment to the arts and daily physical exercise, programs that are often cut in traditional educational environments, make us unique. Supported by a partnership with the Alliance Theater, Tapestry offers performance arts for all students, which may include theater camps, an afterschool drama program, and community performance opportunities. In addition, all students are given Chromebooks and Kindles, affording them opportunity to develop their technology literacy.

In order to create a strong community and learning environment supportive of every student, limited school and class size is critical. We serve 301 students for the school year 2022-2023. Ultimately, Tapestry hopes to create an inclusive school model that can be replicated in DeKalb as well as in other school systems.

Tapestry is a public charter school authorized by the DeKalb County School District. For 2021 – 2022, any student residing in the DeKalb County School District in grades 6 – 12 is eligible to attend, subject to lottery and seat availability. Please note that parts of Atlanta and Decatur are also in DeKalb County, but they are zoned for Atlanta Public Schools and City of Decatur Schools respectively. In order for your child to attend Tapestry, you must provide proof that you live in the DeKalb County School District. The only exception is for children of board members or children of full-time employees. Siblings of students currently attending the school have priority seating.

Open Enrollment for the 2022-2023 school year has closed, but students may apply to be on the waitlist.

No, your child will be guaranteed a seat next year. However, you must sign a Letter of Intent to re-enroll form before the end of the school year.

Open enrollment for Tapestry typically begins in December and the lottery is early in each year for the next school year. The latest information available can be found on our Enrollment page.

Charter law prohibits the school from prescribing a ratio of students, such as having separate lotteries for special needs students and typically developing students. Therefore, all students are selected in the same open lottery.

Our charter does allow for priority enrollment to be given to children of full-time employees or board members and to siblings of currently enrolled students. The sibling policy is in place in order to support families and afford them the convenience of sending their children to the same school. If a student is selected to attend Tapestry either in the lottery or from the waitlist, his/her sibling(s) will also be offered a seat. In no case will a seat be given to a sibling who is lower on the waitlist instead of the student who is originally selected.

No. In order to apply to Tapestry, parents will only need to fill out our online application.

Dr. Matt Tyson, Principal:

Dr. Nicole Allen, Assistant Principal:

Ms. Maria Kepler, Assitant Principal:

Ms. Christina Gonzalez, Special Education Coordinator:

Ms. Devon Christopher, Co-Founder: