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3130 Raymond Dr

Atlanta, GA 30340

8:30am -3:30pm



"At my school we all feel safe. No one is made fun of and we’re all treated
the same."

- Tapestry Student


- Tapestry Student

“At my school we all feel safe. No one is made fun of and we’re all treated the same.”

Thank you for considering a gift to Tapestry Public Charter School!

As a charter school, Tapestry relies heavily on the financial support from the community to fill our funding gap, and to ensure our program has the resources it needs to thrive. We faced a 40% budget cut last year, losing more than $1.2 million in state and local funding. Your support is more critical than ever.

As a school that promotes inclusion, our goal is to eliminate as many barriers for our students as possible, while also providing the critical, innovative learning resources needed to engage all of our students in a way that is beneficial to them.

An investment in Tapestry is an investment in the future of education. Our work not only benefits Tapestry students, but by influencing other school systems to adopt inclusive academic practices, Tapestry is revolutionizing the way we educate our young people.

Ways to Give

There are many ways to support Tapestry through giving. The most common way to give is through online credit card payments. Outright gifts are 100% tax-deductible up to 50% of donor’s adjusted gross income.

  • Credit Card: Click here to make your secure gift online.
  • Check or Money Order: A check or money order may be mailed to Tapestry Public Charter School,  3130 Raymond Dr., Atlanta, GA 30340. Please make checks payable to Tapestry Public Charter School.

Annual giving is the cornerstone of all giving at Tapestry. Unrestricted donations support the operating budget each year and helps us fund extracurricular and enrichment programs, field trips, administrative costs, and building maintenance expenses that arise throughout the year.

The 2022-2023 Annual Fund

The Annual Fund, which launches at the start of each school year, ensures Tapestry students continue to receive the highest quality education and support services.

This year’s fundraising goal is $100,000 and 100% parent participation.

In order for us to reach this goal, each family is asked to contribute $400, payable in monthly or quarterly installments or at one-time.

Moreover, we realize that not every family may be able to contribute at this level, and we ask that you give what is both comfortable and best for your circumstances.

Every dollar counts! Every dollar is appreciated!

Please click here to make your Annual Fund contribution.

Threads of Tapestry Society

The Threads of Tapestry Society, which launched on October 1, 2019, honors and recognizes individual donors who support Tapestry at the $5,000 level and above over their lifetimes.

Weaving a tapestry is a labor of love which can take many years to create, but at it’s core are the many threads that are woven together to create a work of art.  Thus, the finished tapestry is a celebration honoring not only the work itself, but also the investments of the very people who created it.

The Threads of Tapestry Society was named to celebrate the most generous supporters who make significant investments to advance our mission. Members of the Society are recognized each February on Founders’ Day.