Our arts course offerings span various forms of visual arts: painting, sculpting, ceramics, printmaking, and casting.
Students have a chance to dig deeper in fine arts in this club. The school is their canvas and you can find murals created by the art club throughout the school.
Middle and high school students enjoy music appreciation as student interests are used as a springboard for studying an innovative array of music styles and techniques. Students perform on various instruments and create music using a wide-array of techniques.
New and more experienced students can learn or sharper their skills with an instrument. Students perform at concerts at Tapestry and throughout the community.
Tapestry’s student government works with faculty and staff to create and organize fun school-wide events and activities.
Tapestry maintains the school garden with support from parents and staff. Our purpose is to teach students about food origins, home gardening, food preparation, soil health, bugs, native plant species, community, responsibility, and safety.
Open to all students who want to sing a diverse array of music with their peers, chorus is a favorite among students. The chorus also collaborates with other musical groups at Tapestry, if possible, and performs at school and throughout the community.
Tapestry’s robotics team competes across the state in robotics competitions. This club helps students build problem-solving skills, teamwork, creativity and technical knowledge.
As part of the international organization, TSA helps to develop skills in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics as well as business education.
Spanish Club is an extension of Tapestry’s Spanish curriculum. Students get a chance to dive deeper into Spanish-speaking cultures and even get to travel to a few of them.