Basketball: HS / ACC Tournament at Cumberland Academy in Roswell (4:30 or 7:30)
Basketball: HS / ACC Tournament at Cumberland Academy in Roswell and the time is either 4:30 or 7:30
3130 Raymond Dr
Atlanta, GA 30340
8:30am -3:30pm
Basketball: HS / ACC Tournament at Cumberland Academy in Roswell and the time is either 4:30 or 7:30
Flag Football Practice: No Practices Game(s): -MS Playoff game at the Howard School on Tuesday, April 25th at 4 pm vs. the Howard School. -HS Playoff game at the Howard School on Wednesday, April 26th at either 3:30pm (in the consolation game if they lose on Tuesday, April 25th) or 5:30pm (in the Championship game if they win on Tuesday, April […]
HS Cheerleaders cheer will go to the HS Flag Football playoff games at the Howard School on April 25th at 4pm and April 26th at TBD
HS Cheerleaders cheer will go to the HS Flag Football playoff games at the Howard School on April 25th at 4pm and April 26th at TBD
For the most updated information regarding Tapestry's Sports, please visit Cheer Banquet - Held on Thursday, April 27th at 6 pm in the Tapestry cafeteria. This banquet is for all MS & HS Cheerleaders and their families to celebrate their achievements this year. Please contact Coach Willingham if you have any questions. NOTE: Winter-Spring Sports Banquet - Held on […]
Basketball: MS / Banquet at Tapestry Cafeteria
Basketball: MS / Banquet in the Tapestry Cafeteria
For the most updated information regarding Tapestry's Sports, please visit Winter-Spring Sports Banquet - Held on Thursday, May 4th at 6pm in the Tapestry cafeteria. This banquet is for all MS & HS Track & Field, Flag Football, and Basketball student-athletes and their families to celebrate their achievements during their respective seasons.
Monday 11/6 Lady Titans Practic: 3:30-5:00pm GYM All Cheer: 3:30-5:15pm CAFETERIA MS Basketball Practice: 3:30-5:30 GYM Varsity Basketball Practice: 3:30-5:30 GYM Sign up to volunteer for athletics!
Tuesday 11/7 MS Basketball vs. MSA / HOME, 4:00pm (arrive by 3pm) Lady Titans vs. MSA / HOME, 5:00pm (arrive by 3pm) Varsity Basketballs vs. MSA, HOME, 6:15pm (arrive by 4pm) MS Cheer / Home: 4pm (arrive by 3pm) Varsity Cheer / Home: 5: 3opm (arrive by 4pm) All Home Basketball games are FREE for Tapestry Students. Games are $5 […]
Current families, please use the following link to submit your school lunch requests.
Order Lunch8:30am - 3:30pm
Monday - Friday
8:30am - 3:30pm
Monday - Friday
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